Based on employee feedback, Strayer University recently scored among the 20 Top Workplaces of 2017 by the Washington Post in the category of organizations employing more than 500 individuals in the Washington, D.C. area.
“At Strayer University, our strength is our people — both our students and our team members,” Strayer President Brian Jones said. “Our ability to adapt and innovate over more than a century of preparing working adult students for the demands of a rapidly evolving economy would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our remarkably talented and diverse staff.”
The Post administered the employee feedback survey through research firm WorkplaceDynamics LLC, a company focused on organizational strength and workplace progress. University spokespersons expressed thankfulness for the award, highlighting the acknowledgement of the “mission-driven” organization geared towards education for adults actively engaged in the workforce.
“As a mission-driven, leading educator of working adults, Strayer University is unique among the 2017 list of Top Workplaces,” Vice President of Human Resources Darlene Bell-Alexander said. “We are grateful for this recognition of our people and our culture. It reflects our pride in what we stand for, and the important work we do."